Oak Harbor High School
Class of 1987
Heather Damron
I left Oak Harbor in 9th grade but I fondly remember every face and name like it was yesterday. I lived in Oak Harbor from third to eighth grade. That is a lifetime for a Navy brat! I would love to hear from anyone who may remember me! I used to visit Oak Harbor every summer from 1985-1991 but haven't been back since 1997. I moved to Virginia from Oak Harbor during the middle of my ninth grade year. I attended three schools my freshman year! After high school, I attended Penn State University. Then moved to Florida for graduate school----and have never left Sunny Gainesville, Florida! I am a therapist in private practice and live with my boyfriend of twelve years and our four dogs on five acres! I am only replacing doggies with human babies!
Feel free to email me at heatherdamron@yahoo.com