Oak Harbor High School
Class of 1987
Melinda Johannsen (Fournier)
After high school, I got married and tried to make things work for 13 years. After having two children, Miranda (16) and Breanna (13), I got a divorce. Soon after, I started dating the man I am married to now (this time it's HAPPILY married). You may remember him from high school as that skinny, goofy, funny-looking kid who used to hang around with my brother and bug the hell out of us; Sean Johannsen. Yes, I married my childhood arch-enemy! He's still goofy but no longer skinny. He is a Chief Warrant Officer in the Coast Guard (as of June 1st) and is stationed in San Francisco. After my divorce, I went back to college and got a degree in early childhood education. I currently teach at a private school in San Ramon, California. I miss Oak Harbor and it's small town atmosphere. 6 lanes of traffic in each direction have me fairly stressed down here, not to mention the over-priced housing!
That's me and my girls in the top photo and my husband in the bottom photo (he's the tall one).