Oak Harbor High School
Class of 1987
Robert (Bobby) Cole
Won't make it to the reunion but thought I'd put some info up...nice to look thru and see what everyone else has been up to. Once graduated I hung around for a bit not sure of what to do next...then I got swindled into joining the Marine's with Rick Meyer (thanks Rick!)....did that for 4 years. Only thing good that came out of that was meeting my wife Jennifer. We've been married since 1990....no kids (by choice).
We have been in LaConner since 1993 running our own business (Courtyard Gallery). So we've been pretty busy. In fact the weekend of the reunion I will be at the Anacortes Art Festival with one of our artists. Anyone going to the show look for John Ebner Watercolors....thats where I'll be. Sorry I'm going to miss it....I missed the 10 year too. You'd think living 20 miles from OH I'd make it. If anyone would like to contact me I can be reached at classact@cnw.com. Take care and have a good time at the reunion. By the way....the "In Memory of" page put things into perspective for me....you think of these things but seeing the name there...wow! Makes you realize not to take any time we have on this earth for granted. If anyone makes it to LaConner stop by and say hi!