Oak Harbor High School
Class of 1987
Sean Gilligan
Well hello, believe it or not I found this site while sitting here in Iraq. I wish I could have been there for the big day. I am not listed on the 1987 roster because I did not graduate until the summer, skipping class does that. I have spent the last 20 years in the Army and am Married to my wife of 10 years Mariah. We have two sons Liam9 and Jack 5. My Mom still lives in Oak Harbor but I have not been back in years. We plan a trip to Washington when I get back from Iraq. If anyone care to please send me an email, it gets boring over here. I ran into Dion Zacharias in Kuwait two weeks ago, had not seen him since 1987. Was saddened to hear of our losses of friends that passed. Take care to all.